March 18, 2019 Newsletter
We hope to see many of you at our upcoming Gathering on Sunday, March 24th from 1 - 4pm at Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation, featuring Rhonda Grantham and Sophie Geist from the Canoe Journey Herbalists Project. They will be presenting on Questions and reflections on relationships to healing, cultural safety and community care.
Click here for flyer for March 24th Gathering. If you are able, please print a few and post on your local community boards, or pass on to a friend or neighbor!
We are excited to announce that Karen Capuder will be joining us in April. Due to her travel needs, our April Gathering will be on Saturday, April 20th. Please use the following link to access the introduction of her captivating dissertation, which beautifully weaves together personal narrative and history: Forked Tongues at Sequalitchew: A Critical Indigenist Anthropology of Place in Nisqually Territory. For those who have read this introduction and would like to go further, please inquire at
Read further for upcoming events and news:
**Return those library books!**
If you have borrowed books from the Learning Right Relations Library, please remember to return them at our upcoming Gathering on March 24th so that others may enjoy.
World Water Day
Olympia Ceremonies
March 22, 2019
Robert Satiacum will dedicate an alter at both Steh-Chass and Nisqually Billy Frank Jr Refuge and then will continue to other altars along the Salish Sea until he reaches the Puyallup River LNG site. He is inviting our help to collect items to build the altars. Please call Elizabeth Rodrick, 360-866-9797, if you can contribute expendable items in advance. Items could include: scarves, ribbons, rocks, feathers, sage, cedar, shells, water images, etc.
Robert will dedicate the Steh-Chass Altar at Capitol Lake Heritage Park across from Traditions around daybreak (7-7:30am) on Friday, March 22, but encourages people to come any time of day. Come to show your respect for the sovereignty of water and share your energy and/or prayers that will vibrate along the water necklace around the world.
The UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 is crystal clear: water for all by 2030. By definition, this means leaving no one behind. But today, billions of people are still living without safe water - their households, schools, workplaces, farms and factories struggling to survive and thrive.
Marginalized groups - women, children, refugees, indigenous peoples, disabled people and many others - are often overlooked, and sometimes face discrimination, as they try to access and manage the safe water they need.
This World Water Day, March 22nd, is about tackling the water crisis by addressing the reasons why so many people are being left behind.
Click here for facebook event.
North American Indian Lobby Day
Tuesday, April 2nd 10am - 4pm
Columbia Room, Legislative Building
We encourage you to participate in this important day of advocacy! Click here for facebook event.
Please register with so that an appointment can be scheduled with your House and State Senate Representatives.
Learning Right Relations will be supporting this event by cooking and serving lunch, and we would love your help! If you are interested in helping prepare, cook or serve this meal please email
Sign the petition and add your name to the Proclamation of Support for Truth and Reconciliation in Washington State. There is an emerging and compelling desire to acknowledge the events of the past so that we can work towards a stronger and healthier future. The truth telling and reconciliation process is a sincere acknowledgement of the injustices and harms experienced by Indigenous peoples in Washington State and the need for continued healing. This is a profound commitment to establishing new relationships embedded in mutual recognition and respect that will forge a brighter future.
Click here to sign the petition.
Click here to read more about the effort on the JUUstice Washington - A UU Action Network website: Truth and Reconciliation in Washington State.
The proposed border wall in South Texas cuts through traditional lands stewarded for thousands of years by the Carrizo/Comecrudo tribe, known as the Esto'k Gna in their Native language. Tribal members and their allies have created the Yalui camp at the Eli Jackson Cemetery, where many of the tribe's ancestors are laid to rest, to protest the wall. Click here to read article on Truthout: A Tribal Camp in South Texas Is Vowing to Resist Trump's Wall.
Mark your calendars! Paddle to Lummi 2019
July 24th - 28th
Click here for event website.
Click here for facebook event.
Learning Right Relations is on Facebook! Click here to check out our page, like and follow us on Facebook to connect to our community online.