March 28, 2019 Newsletter

We are so grateful to Rhonda Grantham and Sophie Geist for their powerful presentation this past Sunday! We thank them for their example and sharing about the Canoe Journey Herbalist Project, an indigenous-centered, ally-supported effort. To learn more, click here to visit their facebook page

We are excited to announce that Karen Capuder will be joining us for our next Gathering, sharing about the history of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. Due to her travel needs, our April Gathering will be on Saturday, April 20th from 1 - 4pm at Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation. Please use the following link to access the introduction of her captivating dissertation, which beautifully weaves together personal narrative and history: Forked Tongues at Sequalitchew: A Critical Indigenist Anthropology of Place in Nisqually Territory. For those who have read this introduction and would like to go further, please inquire at 

Read further for upcoming events and news:

North American Indian Lobby Day
Tuesday, April 2nd  10am - 4pm
Columbia Room, Legislative Building

(link to map and parking instructions)

We encourage you to participate in this important day of advocacy! Join us to hear from tribal leaders about key legislative priorities, gain in-depth understanding of impacts of current legislation on tribes and uplift and honor the voices of Native youth. Click here for facebook event.

Please register with so that an appointment can be scheduled with your House and State Senate Representatives. 

Learning Right Relations will be supporting this event by cooking and serving lunch, and we would love your help! If you are interested in helping prepare, cook or serve this meal please email 

Where's the Water: Storm Water and Toxic Runoff
Tuesday April 2nd  5:30 - 9pm
Olympia Center
222 Columbia St NW


Make it a full day by following up American Indian Lobby Day at Capitol Campus with an evening discussion on the impacts of storm water and toxic runoff on local streams and ground water! This significant environmental issue effects both tribal and non-tribal community members. Click here for link to event page. 

South Sound Climate Action Convention
Saturday April 13th
Olympia High School
1302 North Street SE, Olympia WA

The South Sound Climate Action Convention is an annual event offering sessions that cover a wide variety of climate action topics including estuary restoration, renewable energy, regenerative agriculture, ocean impacts, advocacy and more. Breakout sessions include Candace Penn, Climate Change Ecologist, Squaxin Island Tribe, speaking on Effects of Sea Level Rise on the Squaxin Island Tribe and Anna Bean and Annette Bryan, Tribal Council Members, Puyallup Tribe of Indians, speaking on Tacoma LNG: What It Is and Where It Stands Now. 

Click here for event website. 

A DEEPER LOOK: The Green New Deal

Many are following the Green New Deal and its impact on the conversation around climate change within Congress and amongst 2020 presidential candidates. How are Indigenous groups thinking about the proposed legislation? What is the potential impact on Native communities? We invite you to dive deeper into this topic with the following list of resources: 


Fawn Sharp, president of the Quinault Indian Nation, and Bob Ferguson, attorney general of Washington state, speak out against the dangerous verdict of Judge Reed O'Connor of the Northern District of Texas, which declared the Indian Child Welfare Act unconstitutional. Enacted in 1978, the Indian Child Welfare Act has protected the best interests of Native children and helped preserve the integrity of tribal nations in the US. Click here to read an op-ed piece co-authored by Fawn Sharp and Bob Ferguson in the Washington PostNative children benefit from knowing their heritage. Why attack a system that helps them? 

In US Congress, the House is set to vote the first week of April on H.R. 1585, a bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. This legislation expands tribal jurisdiction over non-Indians to include crimes of sexual assault, stalking, sex trafficking, assault of a tribal officer and child abuse. These provisions work to better address the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women by improving communication between tribal, state, local and federal law enforcement. Click here to tell your representative to keep Native communities safe by voting yes for H.R. 1585!

Mark your calendars! Paddle to Lummi 2019
July 24th - 28th

Click here for event website
Click here for facebook event.

We have begun fundraising for the Lummi Blanket Project! Please watch future newsletters and check our website and Facebook page for updates on this project.

Amy Troyer-Karas