March 8, 2019 Newsletter
We're excited for our upcoming Gathering on Sunday, March 24th from 1 - 4pm at Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation will feature Rhonda Grantham and Sophie Geist from the Canoe Journey Herbalists Project, presenting on Questions and reflections on relationships to healing, cultural safety and community care.
Click here for flyer for March 24th Gathering. If you are able, please print a few and post on your local community boards, or pass on to a friend or neighbor!
Karen Capuder will be joining us at a later date. Please use the following link to access the introduction of her captivating dissertation, which beautifully weaves together personal narrative and history: Forked Tongues at Sequalitchew: A Critical Indigenist Anthropology of Place in Nisqually Territory.
Read further for upcoming events and news:
Monday, March 11th, 7:30 pm
Winona LaDuke - Rescheduled!
South Puget Sound Community College
Kenneth J. Minnaert Center Main Stage
2011 Mottman Rd. SW
Unlikely Alliances Book Reading
Tuesday, March 12th ~ 6pm
Lord Mansion
211 21st Ave SW, Olympia
Free and open to the public
Come see Zoltán Grossman speak about his book "Unlikely Alliances: Native Nations and White Communities Join to Defend Rural Lands."
Click here for facebook event.
Click here for website event.
Thurston ECO Network Monthly Meeting
Featuring: Elise Krohn from GRuB
Wednesday, March 13th 10am - 12pm
Thurston County Courthouse, Building 1, Room 152
Elise Krohn will be presenting on GRuB's new project, Tend, Gather and Grow, which seeks to educate youth about wild edible and medicinal plants and the rich cultural traditions that surround them. A team of twelve people, six of whom are tribal, developed curriculum covering over 25 northwest plants, with short teaching videos featuring Salish storytellers, plant experts and youth. Proposed outcomes of the Tend, Gather and Grow project include building a sense of cultural pride among Northwest Native children and youth, and a greater understanding of indigenous people and connection to local landscapes among non-native students, and building partnerships across organizations and tribal entities with shared goals.
To learn more about this project, including dates for an evening community workshop series for traditional plant enthusiasts and students: click here for the Tend, Gather and Grow project website.
Environmental justice and indigenous sovereignty are two issues that overlap for many, but not all. Sometimes the arguments of conservationists are in direction opposition to those advocating for the interest of Native peoples. Tristan Ahtone's recent article, When conservation provides a cover for anti-Indigenous sentiments, looks at this dynamic in relationship to the National Resources Management Act of 2019.
**Return those library books!**
If you have borrowed books from the Learning Right Relations Library, please remember to return them at our upcoming Gathering on March 24th so that others may enjoy.
Learning Right Relations is on Facebook! Click here to check out our page, like and follow us on Facebook to connect to our community online.