Abdulhai’s Gallery
I was born in Afghanistan, am 23 years old, and I have recently finished a Major in Business at the University in Mongolia. I love to travel and take pictures. I have a strong belief that nonviolence is the only way to resolve conflicts in our relationships with people and with the earth. As an Afghan boy who grew up in war - I wish to live without wars.
Abdulhai Darya

Welcome to my galleries. You will see that a camera can capture images that speak softly as the wing of a moth, or loudly - louder than harsh angry words. In addition to sharing my photography of people and landscapes here, I have invited other like-minded people from around the world - to share stories through their photographs, art and written words. Many of these people have stayed with me in a near-by Guest House. As Rumi shapes the words of feeling into a beautiful Guest House poem, I am learning to allow the sorrows and the joys of our lives be what they are in the moments I have shared with these honored guests. Please visit the Guest House Gallery where you can learn from these friends of mine who are all so dedicated to creating a world without wars.